Monday, 02 Sep, 2024


Govt to rein in BangabandhuÔÇÖs six fugitive killers by Aug 15: Law Minister

Staff Correspondent |
Update: 2010-06-16 12:16:18

DHAKA: Government`s efforts are on to rein in the remaining six fugitive killers of Bangabandhu before coming August 15 to execute fully the verdict of the murder case within “the shortest possible time”.

Law Minister Barrister Shafique Ahmed Wednesday reaffirmed the government stance to reporters after the third meeting of the taskforce formed for bringing back the condemned fugitives at the secretariat.

Home Minister Advocate Sahara Khatun and Foreign Minister Dipu Moni, among others, attended the meeting.

“We are collecting information about them, and we are now at an advanced stage. We are taking help of Interpol in this regard,” Shafique Ahmed said.

But he did not disclose further information as he feared the fugitives might change their destinations.

The Appellate Division of the Supreme Court reconfirmed the death sentence against 12 of the former army officers finally convicted in the Bangabandhu murder case. After the apex-court verdict on November 19 last year, five of the condemned convicts were executed on January 26 this year.

The six on the run abroad are Khandakar Abdur Rashid, Risaldar Moslemuddin, Shariful Haque Dalim, A M Rashed Chowdhury, Noor Chowdhury and Captain Abdul Majed.

Another accused who were also to go to the gallows, Aziz Pasha, died in Zimbabwe in 2002.

BDST: 1955Hrs. June 16, 2010

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