Tuesday, 16 Jul, 2024


Ex-VAT officer sued for waiving interest of Tk 152cr 

<p><strong>The Anti-Corruption Commission (<a href="https://www.banglanews24.com/english/national/news/bd/147601.detailsGY4hfh1ztl5&amp;arm=e&amp;fexp=72519171,72519168"><span style="color:#c0392b">ACC</span></a>) has sued former commissioner of large taxpayers&#39; unit (LTU) of

ACC finds graft evidences in initial probe against Benazir

<p><strong>The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) today claimed to have found evidence of graft allegations against former Inspector General of Police (IGP) Benazir Ahmed, his wife and children in a primary investigation. &nbsp;&nbsp;</strong></p> <p>ACC Secretary Khorsheda Yasmeen told reporters during a

IGP Mamun’s tenure extended for another year

<p><strong>The government has extended the service of Inspector General of Police (IGP) Chowdhury Abdullah Al-Mamun for another year on a contract basis.</strong></p> <p>A gazette notification by the Ministry of Public Administration was issued on Friday in this regard.</p> <p>Abdullah Al-Mamun took

2 BGP men, 31 Rohingyas take shelter on St Martin's Island

<p><strong>Two armed members of the Myanmar Border Guard Police (BGP) and 31 Rohingyas have taken refuge in St Martin&#39;s Island of Bangladesh amid the ongoing conflict between the ruling junta and the armed rebel group in the neighbouring country.</strong></p> <p>A trawler carrying the <a