Sunday, 01 Sep, 2024


16 gates of Kaptai dam open

News Desk |
Update: 2024-08-25 10:16:58
16 gates of Kaptai dam open

The 16 gates of the Kaptai Hydroelectric Power Plant have opened this morning as the water level of Kaptai Lake is rising due to incessant rainfall and the onrush of water from upstream.

The Karnafuli Hydroelectric Power Station authority opened the gates at 8:10 am.

At present, the inflow and rainfall of the lake are being closely monitored.

If the inflow is high and the water level rises abnormally, the opening of the spillway gate will be gradually increased, the power plant sources informed.

Meanwhile, currently 5 units are generating maximum 219 megawatts of electricity daily in the center.

Over 49 lakh people have been affected as the ongoing flood hit 77 upazilas in 11 districts of the country.

The people of the downstream areas of the Haldar and Karnafuli rivers will be adversely affected by the flood water if the sluices are opened now, reporters of our local correspondent.   

The water level in Kaptai Lake in Rangamati has risen close to the danger level due to heavy rainfall and the onrush of water from upstream.

The water level in the lake was 107.63 MSL (Mean Sea Level) as of 2 pm on Saturday, against its maximum reserve capacity of 109 MSL.

BDST: 1016 HRS, AUG 25, 2024

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