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Call for unity proves BNP-Jamaat tie is inseparable: Quader

Staff Correspondent  |
Update: 2024-07-27 18:25:47
Call for unity proves BNP-Jamaat tie is inseparable: Quader File Photo

Awami League (AL) General Secretary and Road Transport and Bridges Minister Obaidul Quader today (July 27) said the relation between BNP and Jamaat is inseparable and it has been proved through BNP's call for unity incorporating Jamaat.
"Anti-liberation forces are collaborator of BNP," he said in a statement sent to mass media.
Quader said the call for national unity by BNP secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir is the unity of anti-state evil forces and the forces against the spirit of the Liberation War. The call involving the Jamaat has been proved that their relation is inseparable, he added.
He said the call of unity is a threat to country's independence and sovereignty. "We are urging the pro-liberation forces to resist the anti-liberation force- BNP-Jamaat - together under the dynamic leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina," he said.

The AL general secretary said BNP secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir is plotting to avert the responsibility of terrorism, violence and killing.

The terrorists of BNP-Jamaat carried out the destruction with lethal weapons and arms across the country including in the capital, he said.
He said this type of violent activity is unprecedented which hurts the countrymen.
Quader said BNP-Jamaat and allies could not avoid the responsibility in any case. The terrorists were in field taking a mission of killing, he said, adding the government has combated the destruction with utmost patience.
He said the government never wants any death while BNP-Jamaat, Chhatra Dal and Shibir targeted the politics of dead bodies.
BDST: 1825 HRS, JULY 27, 2024

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