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DMP forms a special committee to stop Eve teasing

Senior Correspondent |
Update: 2010-05-21 18:52:56

Dhaka: Dhaka Metropolitan police (DMP) formed a special committee to take activates to stop Eve teasing and the sexual harassment of women. Mir Abul Kashim, the additional police commissioner of DMP, formed the five members committee. Among them three members were female police officers.

The DMP commissioner KM Shahidul Haq was form this committee in an order of High court.

The committee’s others member were Krishnapada Roy, the deputy police commissioner of Ramna Thana, Monalish Begum, the assistant police commissioner of Ramna Model thana, Mira Mahamuda, the assistant commissioner of the female police and the victim specialist Mominunnessa.
The committee will investigate the complain of eve teasing and sexual harassment in educational institution, working place and Govt-Nongovt institutions then take action. Besides, this committee wills inform the annual report to the police head quarter about the situation of eve teasing and the taking actions.

An argent meeting was held Thursday in the DMP head quarter chaired by AKM Shahidul Haq to discuses the activities of the special committee.

BDST: 1402Hrs,May 20.2010

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