Sunday, 01 Sep, 2024


12 killed in Gaibandha road crashes

National Desk |
Update: 2010-05-21 19:02:39

Gaibandha: Twelve people were killed and 30 injured in two fatal road accidents in Gobindaganj upazila Friday, in both the cases freewheeling trucks crashing into passenger buses, witnesses said.

In the first accident, two people were killed and another seven injured in a head-on collision between a bus and a truck in Katakhali area in the morning.

Police said a truck rammed into a Dhaka-bound bus from Rangpur at Katakhali Bridge at about 6 am, killing two bus passengers on the spot.

The dead were identified as Farid Uddin of Gaibandha and Abul Hossain.

In the other accident, a truck collided with a Rangpur-bound bus from Chittagong, leaving 10 dead on the spot and injuring 23 others.

Police and eyewitness said the collision occurred at Balua at about 11 am, leaving nine dead on the spot and injuring 23. A woman died on way to hospital.

Identity of the deceased could not be known immediately.
Local people rescued the injured and rushed them to Rangpur Medical College Hospital, Gobindaganj Hospital and Gaibanda Hospital.

BST 1304 HRS, May 21, 2010


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