Sunday, 01 Sep, 2024


BAPA greens demand eviction of Meghna grabbers

Staff Correspondent |
Update: 2010-05-21 19:04:07

DHAKA: Bangladesh Paribesh Andolon Friday demanded of the government to evict the grabbers of the Meghna River, following up Prime Minister’s directive with decisive action.

The demand came from a citizens’ rally organized by the organization in front of the National Press Club in the city where ASM Shahjahan, former adviser of Caretaker Government and Vice-President of BAPA, was in the chair.

The green campaigners said the PM ordered the authorities concerned to drive out all the illegal occupiers of the Meghna River wetlands starting from the point Ashuganj’s Char Chatala when she visited the area on 12 May.

Abdul Matin, General Secretary, Zakir Hossain, Joint Secretary, Mahbub Hossain, Executive Member, and Alamgir Kabir, Coordinator of BAPA, among others, were present and spoke at the rally.

BDST: 1445 HRS, May 21, 2010

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