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ADC Saklain sent to forced retirement over Pori Moni scandal

News Desk |
Update: 2024-06-25 15:40:50
ADC Saklain sent to forced retirement over Pori Moni scandal

The Ministry of Home Affairs has taken a decision to send former deputy commissioner of the Detective Branch of Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) Md Golam Saklain to forced retirement for building an extramarital affair with actress Pori Moni.

The home ministry also sent a letter to the Bangladesh Public Service Commission (PSC), seeking its observation in this regard.

According to police sources, it has been decided to send ADC Saklain on forced retirement in the departmental case in Parimoni incident.

In the letter, the home ministry based on a probe report claimed to have found authenticity of the extramarital relationship between Saklain and Pori Moni.  

Saklain used to visit Pori Moni’s residence while the actress also often spent nights at Saklain’s government quarter in the absence of his wife, said the probe report.

According to the Government Employees Discipline and Appeal Rules-2018, a preliminary decision has been taken to compel Saklayen into retirement from service as a penalty for misconduct, stated the letter.

Saklain came to close to Pori Moni incidentally when he was Additional Deputy Commissioner (ADC) of Gulshan Division of Detective Branch (DB) of DMP. Since then he began spending nights at Pori Moni’s residence regularly, claimed the investigators.    

Analysing the Detailed Call Record Report (CDR) of Saklain’s mobile phone obtained from the LIC branch of the police department (responsible for legal investigations), investigators discovered that starting from July 4, 2021, Saklain stayed at Pori Moni’s residence at various times, both day and night, for the next month.

Furthermore, upon reviewing the forensic report of actress Pori Moni’s mobile phone, investigators discovered that Saklain engaged in conversations with her.

This was not merely a relationship based on general acquaintance or professional needs, but an immoral love affair, claimed the investigators.

Pori Moni visited Saklain’s residence at Rajarbagh Modhumoti Officers’ Quarter on 2 August 2021 and stayed for at least 17 hours in the absence of his wife. The investigators claimed to possess CCTV footage to probe the matter.

The police officer developed an excessively close relationship with Pori Moni going beyond his official duties, according to the letter.

A departmental case has been filed against Saklain and he has been given a show cause notice in this connection. In response to the notice, the police officer demanded his acquittal from the charge but his demand was deemed unsatisfactory, stated the letter.     

In 2021, Saklain was transferred to the Public Order Management division from the detective branch of DMP amid widespread criticism over his intimacy with actress Pori Moni.

BDST: 1540 HRS, JUNE 25, 2024

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