Monday, 02 Sep, 2024


Full investigation into BDR carnage to begin soon: Home Adviser

Special Correspondent |
Update: 2024-09-02 12:10:35
Full investigation into BDR carnage to begin soon: Home Adviser

Interim government's Home Affairs Adviser, Lt. Gen. (retd) Md. Jahangir Alam Chowdhury, announced today (Sept 2) that a full investigation into the BDR (now BGB) killings will commence shortly, along with a commitment to a fair trial.

Speaking to reporters at the Secretariat, he emphasized the government's dedication to upholding the rights of the people through good governance and the establishment of justice.

"As a Home Adviser, a former member of the Bangladesh Army, and an ordinary citizen, I seek justice for the BDR killings," he stated.

The mutiny at the Bangladesh Rifles (BDR) Pilkhana Headquarters on 25-26 February 2009 resulted in the brutal murder of 74 people, including 57 army officers.

On 5 November 2013, a Dhaka court sentenced 150 BDR members and two civilians to death, and 160 others to life imprisonment. The High Court later upheld the death penalty for 139 out of 152 accused on 27 November 2017.

Following the tragic events, the government renamed the BDR as Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) changing its logo and uniform.

BDST: 1207 HRS, SEPT 02, 2024

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