Thursday, 05 Sep, 2024


Dhaka protests against killing of Bangladeshi minor girl by BSF

News Desk |
Update: 2024-09-05 19:24:02
Dhaka protests against killing of Bangladeshi minor girl by BSF

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bangladesh today lodged a formal protest with the Government of India regarding the killing of a 13-year-old Bangladeshi girl by the Border Security Force (BSF) in Moulvibazar.

Shwarna Das of Juri Upazila in Moulvibazar was shot and killed by the BSF on 1 September.

In the protest note sent to the Indian High Commission in Dhaka, Bangladesh strongly condemned such ruthless acts and expressed deep concern over the incidents.

The government reminded that such incidents of border killing are undesirable and unwarranted and such actions are in violation of the provisions of the Joint Indo-Bangladesh Guidelines for Border Authorities, 1975.

In the statement, Dhaka called upon New Delhi to stop the repetition of such heinous acts and conduct inquiries into all the border killings, identify the responsible persons and bring them to justice.

BDST: 1923 HRS, SEP 5, 2024

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