Tuesday, 17 Sep, 2024


Indian citizen detained for vandalising temple in Faridpur

News Desk | banglanews24.com
Update: 2024-09-16 18:37:47
Indian citizen detained for vandalising temple in Faridpur

Police on Monday (Sep 16) claimed to have detained an Indian citizen for his alleged involvement in vandalising a temple in Bhanga Upazila of Faridpur.

The accused, Sanjib Biswas, 45, son of Nishi Kanto Biswas from Nadia, India, has been sent to a Faridpur court in connection with the charge, according to a press statement of the Superintendent of Faridpur police.     

A group of miscreants vandalized a temple in the upazila on Saturday night and upon receiving the information, police visited the scene on Sunday.

During the investigation, one person was found sleeping on an abandoned cot in front of the Kali temple, while another person was found lying on the ground next to the cot, said a press statement.

Of them, one was identified as known by the locals while another one was found unknown, read the statement.

Following his suspicious behavior, the police detained the unknown person to ascertain his identity and at one point of the interrogation, he confessed that he is an Indian citizen.  

BDST: 1837 HRS, SEP 16, 2024

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