Tuesday, 01 Oct, 2024


Committee formed to review age limit for govt jobs

News Desk | banglanews24.com
Update: 2024-09-30 18:32:41
Committee formed to review age limit for govt jobs

The interim government has formed a committee to review the issue of raising the age limit to 35 for entering the public service.

This committee has been formed in the face of demands of all concerned and ongoing demonstrations over increasing the government job entry age, read a notification issued by the Ministry of Public Administration on Monday.

Abdul Muyeed Chowdhury, a former secretary and adviser to the former caretaker government, has been made the convener of the committee, while a senior secretary from the ministry would serve as the member secretary, it said, adding that the convener could include the required number of members here.

The committee has been asked to submit its report with specific recommendations to the government within the next seven working days, read the notification.

Earlier in the day, the police fired tear gas shells to disperse hundreds of jobseekers who gathered in front of the residence of the chief adviser in Dhaka.

Demanding that the maximum age for entering government service be raised to 35, the demonstrators staged a sit-in protest, which led to clashes with security forces.

BDST: 1832 HRS, SEPT 30, 2024

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