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CPD criticizes black money whitening

Banglanews Team |
Update: 2014-06-06 03:35:00
CPD criticizes black money whitening

DHAKA: Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD), a think tank in Bangladesh, on Friday criticized the finance minister’s stance over the black money whitening issue in the budget, placed before the parliament on Thursday.

CPD distinguished fellow Dr Debapriya Bhattacharya made the remarks at a post-budget brief at BRAC Centre Inn in Mohakhali area of the city.

Debapriya said, “Finance Minster AMA Muhith did not tell anything clearly on the issue of whitening the black money in his proposed budget; that means he gave consent in giving opportunity to whiten black money by remaining silent.”

“It was a wrong job and it was a policy of contradiction,” he added.

Inspiration-less budget

CPD viewed that the first budget of this government had nothing inspirational; Muhith avoided the 6th five-year plan in the budget and did not mention the 6th and the 7th five-year plans.

Debapriya said, “Continues fall of investment flow, big deficit in revenue collection and dependency on the banks in financing are also appeared in the budget.”

“Budget is the means to implement the political promise of any government; this budget has some positive sides including state investment is increasing, money exchange rate is at a good conditions and decreasing the commodities’ prices,” the CPD fellow added.

CPD executive director Dr Mustafizur Rahman, research director Dr Fahmida Akter Khatun, additional research director Dr Khandaker Golam Moazzem and research fellow Taufiqul Islam Khan, dialogue and communication director Anisatul Fatema Yousuf also present at the brief.

BDST: 1334 HRS, JUNE 06, 2014

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