Sunday, 29 Sep, 2024


Vehicle for doctors in dist, upazila

Staff Correspondent |
Update: 2014-06-09 11:36:00
Vehicle for doctors in dist, upazila

FROM JATIYA SANGSAD: Health Minister Mohammad Nasim on Monday said the doctors in district and upazila levels would be provided transport facilities in ensuring their stay.

The health minister made the assertion while addressing the parliament.

He said, “The doctors will get transport services gradually who will work in the local health complex. At first the female doctors will get the vehicles. The World Bank agreed to provide the vehicle.”

“The lawmaker will be the chairman of board of directors in district and upazila health complex and they will inform us about their problems and help us,” the House was told. 

He said they dismissed 11 officers, 25 officers salary was halted, and 81 officers faced divisional case within five month after Nasim took the responsibility as health minister. 

A total of 18 officers were also dismissed for their neglecting duty.

Answering a quarry about the crisis of doctors Nasim said the process to appoint 6,521 BCS cadre (doctor) is finalized. When they joined the crisis would be vanished.

Regarding the transfer of doctors, he said they didn’t allow any transfer though many recommendations came here. The doctors who will work properly three years, they will get posting in superior place.

He said the doctors in our country work in pressure as they have to give treatment 100/200 patients everyday. They also provide treatment even in holiday, he added.

BDST: 1945 HRS, JUN 09, 2014

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