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Ducks, hens, birds die drinking slaughtered cow`s blood in Dhamrai

Zahidur Rahman<br>Staff Correspondent |
Update: 2010-09-11 01:25:32
Ducks, hens, birds die drinking slaughtered cow`s blood in Dhamrai

SAVAR: A few birds like domestic ducks, hens and pigeons died drinking the blood of a slaughtered cow at Dhamrai on Saturday morning, locals said, prompting veterinarians to arrange lab tests.

As a result, tension spread among the commoners in the areas, they said, as the mysterious happening took place in the wake of a scare about cattle meat for anthrax attack in some parts of the country.

Sources said villagers of West Kayetpara slaughtered the cow for Eid feasting. After distribution of the meat, the blood of the cow on the spot was drunk by domestic ducks, hens, pigeons, crows and sparrows. The fowls later died.

Baffled at the incident, the sources said, none of the buyers of the cow took the meat.

Many locals became nervous, presuming it as transmission of anthrax infection from the affected cow into the birds.

Four ducks of Shahjahan Miah, Abul Hossain and Sultan Miah of West Kayetpara died after having drunk the cow`s blood, the sources said.

Besides, 11 pigeons of Shankar Babu and Abul Hossain, a chicken and  three crows died the same way.

On information, the local livestock officer rushed to the spot and collected samples of the dead birds and ducks.

Habibur Rahman, livestock officer of Dhamrai upazila, told banglanews ,”A few dead birds and ducks were collected from the area for test.”

But it is very difficult to ascertain the cause of the incident without examining, he added.

He also said anthrax is not supposed to spread among birds. “We are trying to know the cause of death of the birds,” he said.

“We will send the colleted birds and ducks soon to Dhaka for examining,” Habibur said.

But they did not collect the blood of the slaughtered cow, said the officer.

BDST: 2113 HRS, SEPT 11, 2010

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