Sunday, 01 Sep, 2024


Cross-border car drive to finally lay Asian Highway route

Ubaidullah Badal |
Update: 2010-09-14 03:16:57
Cross-border car drive to finally lay Asian Highway route

DHAKA: A cross-border car rally through four countries, including Bangladesh, is being arranged to set the long-disputed Asian Highway route.

The track of the car caravan has already been selected, competent sources said about the latest development.

Vehicles in the long-haul traffic will drive through the roads of Bangladesh, India, China and Myanmar.

Sources said the pathfinders would kick-start from Kunming of China and drive through Sylhet-Tamabil border into Bangladesh crossing over Myanmar and India. Later, the rally will reach Kolkata in India through Benapole border in Jessore.

Preparations are already afoot to make the move a success. The track may turn into Asian Highway. The Communications Ministry will sit with the Foreign Ministry regarding the matter, they said.

Communications Minister Syed Abul Hossain Tuesday confirmed the track of the rally in a meeting with the director of Development and Reforms Commission of Yunnan Province of China at the Railway building auditorium in Dhaka.

Communications Secretary Md. Mozammel Haque Khan and director of Bangladesh Railways Md. Belayet Hossain were present at the meeting along with 16 delegates from China.

“The rally will show locals and foreigners that the track is suitable for movement,” Mozammel Haque Khan told banglanews.

“The route is approved and there is no alternative way though it is not complete yet,” said Mozammel when asked if it is the final route of the Asian Highway.

He said the cost and number of cars for the motorcade were not estimated yet.

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