Monday, 02 Sep, 2024


Cancel decision to hike court fee or face movement: SC lawyers

Staff Correspondent |
Update: 2010-09-21 01:09:07

DHAKA:  Supreme Court lawyers threatened to go for a stern countrywide movement if the decision to increase court fee is not cancelled.

The Supreme Court Bar Association (SCBA) will boycott the court along with other lawyers’ bodies of the country, if necessary, said Association leaders Tuesday at a press briefing in the South Hall conference room of the apex court.

“Programme of a strong movement will be declared after consulting other bar associations if the extended fee is not withdrawn by September 27,” said president of the opposition-dominated apex court lawyers` association Khandaker Mahbub Hossain.

The government recently amended its previous court-fee rules and hiked the court fee for filing charges 25 to 50 times from September 1, he added.

“As a result, many clients can’t bear the expenses of cases,” Mahbub told reporters at the press meet.

BDST 1940 HRS, SEP 21, 2010

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