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Prothom Alo is enemy of democracy and people: PM

News Desk |
Update: 2023-04-10 16:27:52
Prothom Alo is enemy of democracy and people: PM

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has washed away the daily Prothom Alo for its anti-state role.

She said: "The name of the paper is Prothom Alo (first light), but it lives in darkness. Prothom Alo is the enemy of Awami League, democracy and the people of the country."

She said this while participating in a discussion marking golden jubilee of the Jatiya Sangsad on Monday.

Sheikh Hasina also said the newspaper plotted a conspiracy in 2007 to depoliticise the country. 

BDST: 1627 HRS, APRIL 10, 2023

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