Saturday, 28 Sep, 2024


Tipu-Prity murder trial begins

News Desk |
Update: 2024-06-20 18:59:33
Tipu-Prity murder trial begins

A Dhaka court today (June 20) began the trial of Awami League leader Jahidul Islam Tipu and college student Samia Afran Jamal Prity murder.

Judge Muhammad Ali Hussain of Dhaka Special Judge Court-3 recorded the statement of Farhana Islam Dolly, wife of the victim Tipu and also complainant of the case.

On this day, the prosecution started cross-examining Dolly. After the partial questioning, the court fixed July 18 for the remaining questioning.

Thirty-three people, including nine members of AL and its associate bodies, are accused in the double murder case.

Tipu, who was in his microbus destined for his home, was shot dead by a masked assailant in the capital's Shahjahanpur area on the night of March 24, 2022.

A rickshaw passenger Samia Afran Preeti was also killed in the incident.

Tipu's wife Farhana Islam Dolly filed the case with Shahjahanpur Police station on March 25 the same year.

Members of Detective Branch (DB) of the Dhaka Metropolitan Police arrested main shooter Masum Mohammad alias Akash from Bogura. During primary interrogation, Masum admitted that he killed Jahidul Islam Tipu.

BDST: 1859 HRS, JUNE 20, 2024

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