Thursday, 12 Sep, 2024


Ex-IGP Benazir Ahmed now in Australia

News Desk |
Update: 2024-09-11 12:06:05
Ex-IGP Benazir Ahmed now in Australia photo collected

Former Inspector General of Police (IGP) Benazir Ahmed reached Australia after traveling to several countries, including Singapore, Malaysia, Dubai, and Portugal. He has now made Australia his home with his family. Once a highly powerful police official, Benazir is said to have elevated corruption to an art form, surpassing even fairy tales in his audacity.

He amassed a vast fortune through illegal means, deceiving everyone. A report by national daily Kaler Kantho investigating his illegal wealth was his downfall. The exposure of his corruption caused an uproar across the country, leading to the seizure of his enormous wealth by the government, including properties in Gopalganj's Savannah Park, a farmhouse in Rupganj, and large swathes of agricultural land in Madaripur.

A monitoring committee was formed to oversee this process, and Benazir fled to save his life. There is still much speculation about the current state of his assets, including houses, flats, wealth, and cash now in the government's possession. After the corruption scandal broke, Benazir had to flee the country secretly.

At one point, there were reports that despite being under government protection, he was upset about being forced to leave the country. However, the close associates of the now-defeated Awami League faced imprisonment and fines for murder, corruption, and looting following a sudden student uprising, rumors spread that Benazir was fortunate to have escaped earlier. Otherwise, he might have faced the wrath of the angry students.

Kaler Kantho has conducted a search to find out Benazir's current whereabouts and the latest status of his assets. It is reported that four luxurious flats owned by his family in Dhaka's Gulshan area remain locked. No one lives there, although government officials inspected the flats once.

Meanwhile, the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) has traced illegal assets worth approximately Tk43 crores belonging to Benazir, his wife, and their two daughters. A case will be filed once the commission gives its approval. However, last month Benazir submitted a statement of assets, and there's ongoing legal debate about whether to accept this submission given his fugitive status. If the ACC accepts the statement, it will require time to verify the details. ACC sources confirmed these details.

In Sydney, Australia: After the news was published on 31 March and 2 April, Benazir and his family left for Singapore. From there, they moved to Malaysia, staying in a house Benazir had purchased under the "Malaysia My Second Home" program. Later, they moved to Dubai and then to Portugal, before finally settling in Sydney, Australia. On 8 September, he held a private meeting in Sydney, attended by a few individuals reportedly running for election in that country. A photo of this meeting has been obtained by "Kaler Kantho." Additionally, it is reported that Bangladeshis in Australia have formally notified the country's Ministry of Home Affairs about Benazir's fugitive status.

Illegal assets worth Tk43 crore: In early July, the ACC's investigation team submitted their preliminary report to the commission. The report provides evidence of illegal assets worth a total of Tk43 crore under the names of Benazir Ahmed and his family members. It said that Benazir himself has illegal assets worth approximately Tk9.25 crore, while his wife Zishan Mirza has assets worth approximately Tk21.34 crore. Their elder daughter Farhin Rishta Binte Benazir has assets worth approximately Tk8.10 crore, and their younger daughter Tahsin Raisa Binte Benazir has assets worth approximately Tk4.75 crore. These assets have been seized by court order.

BDST: 1203 HRS, SEPT 11, 2024

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