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Primary teacher recruitment test results to be reviewed

Ubaidullah Badol |
Update: 2010-09-13 02:29:38
Primary teacher recruitment test results to be reviewed

DHAKA: The government is going to review the recently published results of the primary schoolteacher recruitment test, sources said, adding that candidates who achieved success on the basis of quota will only come under the reappraisal.

Abu Alam Md. Shahid Khan, secretary of the ministry of primary and mass education, told journalists that prior to the appointment of the quota-based successful candidates their certificates would be checked.

“Results would be cancelled if anybody’s certificate is found fake,” said Shahid Khan while talking to journalist at his office following the cabinet meeting Monday.

Having been quizzed in the cabinet meeting about the transparency in the result, Primary and Mass Education Minister Afsarul Amin asked the secretary to review it, a competent source in the ministry told banglanews.

However, the secretary declined to make any comment about the discussion in the cabinet meeting.

The result published on September 9 showed 32,564 candidates successful in the examinations for appointment as primary schoolteachers.

After the publication of results, allegations were raised that the demand order (DO) letters by the ministers, state ministers and parliament members were not considered in giving the result.

Immediately after the cabinet meeting, Afsarul Amin sat in a closed-door meeting with the secretary, senior officials of the ministry and department of primary education and took decision to review the result, a source in the ministry said.

When asked, the minister said, “It is the secretary who will answer all queries on the issue.”

Decision for reviewing the result has been taken, the minister confirmed.

BDST 2200 HRS, SEP 13, 2010

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